• Pissarro (1830- 1930)

    This book is in effect a “guided tour” through the works of Camille Pissarro, one of the greatest and most beloved of the French impressionists. In more than thirty pages of full color you will find his tender and moving paintings of the French countryside in all its abundance and beauty, of peasants at work, of the artist and his family. Pissarro’s drawings, pastels, and etchings are reproduced in over twenty pages of black and white illustrations. The text for this volume is by John Rewald, author of the history of impressionism and a leading authority on later nineteenth-century art.
    The Pocket library of Great Art will ultimately constitute the most remarkable collection of art-in-reproduction ever published.
    Each new volume, as it presents the life enriching values which art can give, will bring you closer to that comprehensive knowledge of the great masters which all cultured people would like to have.

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